The Towner Family

The Towner Family

Happiness Is Being Married to Your Best Friend

Friday, February 20, 2009

So Guess Who is Speaking This Sunday?

Yeah, so Chad and I are the lucky ones who have been chosen to speak in sacrament this sunday. I knew that it couldn't be good when my Dad came home from an interview and told me that the bishop asked about us and wondered if we were home. Then sure enough we got the phone call this Tuesday night asking us to speak. I was so excited let me tell you! no not really, to be honest. My Dad was just laughing so hard, "Ha ha! you get to speak!" So that is what I will be doing this weekend, planning my talk and praying for the spirit to guide me so that I will know what to say. I will be nervous about it until I get it over and done with. So wish us luck, especially me. I will need it. I won't be able to just wing it like Chad. The topic is on How the Restored Priesthood has Blessed my life. Any good insight let me know and PRAY FOR ME!!


  1. YOu sound like you are really dreading it! Im sorry! Yeah when we moved into our new ward five months had passed so we thought we were getting away with it! But then they called after that long! Too bad! You get my prayers! Good luck!!!

  2. So how did your talks go? I'm sure they were extremely deep and powerful :) hehe
